Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED:Kovco inquest jury finds shot irresponsibly self-inflicted=4

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Kovco inquest jury finds shot irresponsibly self-inflicted=4

Mr Agius, as well as the counsel for the commonwealth and barristers for a number of
implicated soldiers, submitted the jury should find Pte Kovco deliberately shot the gun
when he was joking around, not realising it was loaded.

That verdict would have been almost identical to that returned by the military board.

Bruce Levet, for Judy Kovco, submitted there should be an open verdict, while the soldier's
widow asked for a finding that the gun was fired accidentally.

In summing up yesterday, Ms Jerram acknowledged there were "flaws" in the military
investigation into Pte Kovco's death but said she did not believe the evidence was adversely
influenced in any significant way.

Prior to its deliberations, she told the jury: "It's my view that you can dismiss from
your minds the possibility that because of these flaws a conspiracy or cover up has occurred
or that any material witnesses have lied to you."

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