Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TAS: Greens question credentials of pulp mill consultant

AAP General News (Australia)
TAS: Greens question credentials of pulp mill consultant

The Tasmanian Greens have questioned the credentials of a European consultant .. chosen
to fast-track the assessment of a proposed two billion dollar pulp mill from logging giant
Gunns Ltd.

Greens leader PEGG PUTT has told state parliament Finish firm SWECO PIC had been assigned
to design a cooking plant for a pulp mill in Chile .. which caused environmental damage
to wetlands and wildlife.

But Premier PAUL LENNON's countered that .. saying SWECO PIC had been involved in a
world class pulp mill in Germany .. which passed tough EU environment and emission regulations.

The Pulp Mill Assessment Bill is currently being debated in the Lower House and is
expected to become law later this afternoon.

The consultant will assess the mill against Tasmania's emission limit guidelines and
is expected to make draft recommendations to the state government by June.

AAP RTV grc/rh/bart


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