Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: League star's brother still critical

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: League star's brother still critical

SYDNEY, Feb 18 AAP - Tom Pritchard, the brother of NSW Rugby League star Frank Pritchard,
remains on the critical list following a stabbing incident at Liverpool in Sydney's south
west yesterday.

Frank Pritchard, a New Zealand international forward who plays for Penrith Panthers,
was stabbed twice in the hand while Tom was stabbed in the heart.

Panthers general manager Mick Leary said 20-year-old Tom, an aspiring league player,
was in a critical but stable condition at Liverpool Hospital while Frank Pritchard had
undergone surgery to his hand.

"Everything's fine with Frank, we're just more concerned with Tom at the moment," Mr Leary said.

"Tom's still in a critical but stable condition.

"It's a police matter at this stage so we'll just leave it with the police.

"(Frank) had surgery yesterday, he's not undergoing surgery today."

The brothers are believed to have received a phone call that morning from their sister,
who said neighbours in her apartment building had threatened her with a knife after she
complained about loud music, Fairfax newspapers said today.

Several members of the Pritchard family and 10 men of Asian appearance fought at the
corner of Lachlan and Bigge streets, in Liverpool, about 3.30am after a dispute over loud
karaoke music.

Frank Pritchard had surgery to his thumb while his brothers, Johnny and Alfred, were
treated for stab wounds to the abdomen and shoulder, respectively.

Tom Pritchard played for Penrith's junior grades and was taking a year off football
on the advice of doctors after suffering a serious neck injury last season, the Penrith
Panthers website said today.

"It's understood he received four knife wounds, one to the pulmonary artery," the website said.

Police said one man received stab wounds to the chest after a brawl in Liverpool about
3.30am (AEDT) yesterday.

Three others were taken to Liverpool Hospital and 11 people were arrested after police
were called to the incident, police said.

A police spokesman today said officers expected to lay charges in coming days and police
were waiting to interview several people in hospital.

A Liverpool Hospital spokeswoman confirmed Tom Pritchard was in a critical condition
while his three brothers were all in a stable condition.

AAP krc/jt/de


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