Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Bungle blamed for police not being told about theft

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Bungle blamed for police not being told about theft

New South Wales parliamentary speaker JOHN AQUILINA blames a bureaucratic bungle ..

for police not being informed about the alleged theft of public funds by a staffer in
the office of a Labor MP.

A staffer in CHERIE BURTON's Kogarah electorate office resigned in December 2004 ..

after it was alleged he invoiced the parliament for 16-thousand dollars' worth of printing
.. but didn't pay the printer.

All of the money was recovered from the part-time staff member .. but police were never
informed about the incident.

Ms BURTON .. who was appointed housing minister earlier this year .. referred the matter
to parliamentary officials.

But Mr AQUILINA says parliament's chief financial controller never got around to completing
a report on the alleged crime .. which was meant to have been sent to police.

The matter is now being investigated by police .. and has also been referred to the
Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Mr AQUILINA says the ICAC told him in January last year that it had received an anonymous
tip-off about the alleged theft .. but didn't intend to investigate it.

He says in retrospect .. an initial report should have been sent to police and the
ICAC as soon as parliamentary officials completed their investigations.

Deputy Opposition Leader BARRY O'FARRELL says the failure by Ms BURTON and Mr AQUILINA
to ensure the matter was referred to police is unacceptable.

AAP RTV pj/was/els/ibw


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