Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WA: The main stories in the 0900 ABC news

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: The main stories in the 0900 ABC news

PERTH, Dec 17 AAP - The main stories in today's 0900 ABC news:

- A review of higher education recommends $6.5 billion overhaul that would include
a voucher system for students.

- Universities Australia says the government needs to invest in skills and productivity
for further education.

- Education Minister Julia Gillard says the government recognises the need to lift
the tertiary participation rate.

- Teenager in Britain jailed for 22 years for shooting an 11-year-old boy.

- Stock prices on Wall St have surged after Fed cuts rates to near zero.

- Australian share market advances in early trade after Wall St lift.

- WA Environment Minister Donna Faragher says work will continue to phase out the use
water soluble fertilisers in the Swan River catchment, in light of a new report on water

- Former West Coast captain Ben Cousins is training with the Richmond club in front
of 2,000 fans at Punt Road.

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