Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed: Bali report to be released

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Bali report to be released

A parliamentary report into Australia's intelligence and threat assessments prior to
the Bali bombings will be released today.

The Senate's foreign affairs, defence and trade references committee began its inquiry
in March 2003, five months after the October 2002 attack which killed 202 people, including
88 Australians.

Spy agency heads have told the inquiry there wasn't a lot of information available
on Jemaah Islamiah, the Islamic group blamed for the bombings.

The committee was also told there was no specific intelligence warning of an impending
attack in Bali.

But one analyst with the Office of National Assessments, DAVID FARMER, had briefed
Foreign Minister ALEXANDER DOWNER that Bali was the most likely location for a terrorist
attack on foreigners.

The government has insisted there was no specific intelligence of a terrorist attack
in the lead up to the bombings.

AAP RTV pjo/sb/sco/lm !


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