Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Surrogate Dad Defends Teen Murder Suspect

Donald Cikauskas hired Eric Robles to help him out with asnowplowing business over the winter and ended up as a kind ofsurrogate father figure for the 17-year-old Bartlett youth.

Cikauskas said he knew Robles came from a troubled home. Evenso, Cikauskas, who has had several telephone conversations withRobles in the last few days, said Monday that he remains as baffledas anyone over murder charges that say the teen killed his parentsSaturday.

"There is no reason why someone does something like this," saidCikauskas, who said Robles' account of what happened and why seemedconfused. Cikauskas said he was trying to arrange legal counsel forthe teen.

Police …

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